Mall Management
The MARC is owned by Momentum Metropolitan Life Ltd., developed and managed by Eris Property Group.

The MARC is owned by Momentum Metropolitan Life Ltd., developed and managed by Eris Property Group.
Marketing of The MARC is conducted in-house, for all marketing related enquiries please contact:
Monday - Friday | 09h00 - 18h00 |
Saturdays | 09h00 - 14h00 |
Sundays & Public holidays | 09h00 - 14h00 |
Parking Floors
3 462
Disability parking bays are situated at the
main entrances of all the basements.
0 - 45 min | R0 |
45 Mins - 2HRS | R10.00 |
2 HRS - 3 HRS | R15.00 |
3 HRS - 4 HRS | R20.00 |
4 HRS - 5 HRS | R30.00 |
5 HRS - 6 HRS | R40.00 |
6 HRS - 7 HRS | R50.00 |
7 HRS - 8 HRS | R60.00 |
8 HRS - 12 HRS | R80.00 |
12 HRS - 24 HRS | R100.00 |
Lost Ticket | R110.00 |
Saturday, Sunday and Public Holiday | Flat Rate R10.00 |
The Upper Retail Level is anchored by Planet Fitness.
09 Stores
Full Floor Space
3 513m²